About Me 🔎
Who I am
I am a 21-year-old junior Virginia Tech student studying computer science from Midlothian, Virginia where I grew up with my loving and supportive family and friends. I graduated with my Bachelor's Degree in Spring 2023 and will stay an extra year to complete my Master's in Science.
Why I code
I have always been curious and inquisitive, and these traits have only increased my interest for solving challenging problems. Naturally, when I took my first computer science class in my freshman year of college, I fell in love with the subject. I continue to code because it gives me the chance to struggle, grow, learn, and have fun.
How I live
When I'm not coding, I can often be found having fun with friends, spending time with family, playing chess, reading, working out, and learning new programming languages. I'm a big fan of coding personal projects in my free time which not only benefit my overall coding proficiency and knowledge but also my enjoyment for the craft.
Experience 🧠
VT CS Department
I am a lead student of a Virginia Tech computer science research group known as the Computer Systems Genome Project. I lead 20+ other undergraduate students in our goal to map out the history, lineage, and specifications of numerous computers, computer parts, and supercomputers. In addition to mentoring other students, I work as a full-stack developer with our python backend, database, and next.js frontend.
My first internship was with Garmin where I worked with their Auto OEM team, specifically on the augmented reality cameras and android auto interfaces for 2022 and 2023 BMW lineups. This internship gave me comprehensive exposure to embedded systems programming with limited processing and memory constraints as well as multi-threading and all the benefits and hazards that come with it.
I worked at AWS Cloudfront for my second internship where I integrated automatic querying of edge location logs into a service used to expedite ticket resolution. My design utilized parallelized step functions, 3 cohesive lambdas, and various Dynamo DBs and S3 buckets all deployed using the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK). Overall, my design saves Cloudfront operators up to 30 minutes of time when tackling edge location & cache outages and issues.
Skills ⚙️
Linux CLI
Jupyter Notebooks